Tuesday 28 April 2009



In class we planned and filmed advertisements. The product we were advertising was coke classic.
We discussed in our groups what ideas we had each and then narrowed it down to four and then chose the best two. We decided to use a classic genre for he indoors advertisement were we took a twilight scene and changed the lines from the scene to advertise coke classic. We used a classic dance film to advertise coke classic outdoors.

The filming was stressful because we had to reschedule due to actors being unreliable and whether conditions, but in the end it was a huge success and we filmed so good footage, using long shot, medium shot, close ups, 2 shots. There was also a time where we thought that we had not filmed one of the advertisements as we could not find it on the tape in the end we found it and was able to import the footage that we wanted for the advertisement.

I think that the advertisements were filmed well and we used a range of camera shots to express emotions. I believe as a group we worked well efficiently to produce good advertisements. If we had to do it again I would stick more to the storyboard. I developed many skills during the process of filming and editing. I feel much more confident with editing and we all contributed well to the group even though at times there were a few clashes.

I think as a group we should start to focus on detail when editing. There were a few times when we were editing and I felt that there were a few things that could make our work so much better but wasn't sure how to do it. Our advertisements looked good for our age especially as we had no experience of making any piece of film. While editing I learnt how to put scenes into a sequence and mark in and out. We used effects to make the advertisement look better and to add effect to the product we were advertising.

Our aim as a group was basically to make a catchy advertisement that would make people want smile and want to buy coke classic. I believe that we achieved this aim as a group and feel very proud.