Tuesday 24 February 2009

This advert advertises McDopnalds.

It immediently grabs the audiences attention by the music used alone, than you see a happy couple going to buy McDonalds untill when the girl goes to take a chip the man goes mad and they end up fighting over mcdonalds.

The advert uses many different camera shots but mainly long shots.

Cadburys chocolate

This advert is advertisement of Cadburys chocolate.

The advertisement target audience is children from the ages of 6 – 16.
They have used children to advertise their product and entertained their target audience, they have also put the little girl in purple dress so that we automatically recognize the colour of the chocolate bar wrapping.

The advert targets its audience by being weird and humorous and so the advert gets stuck in its audience’s voice. Non diegetic sound is used this tells us that the music is somewhat important in what is being advertised.

This advert advertises the apple iPod.

The target audience is teenagers and adults who want the new best ipod out. The advert is to buy the ipod and have fun with it.

The advert uses various amounts of camera shots but mainly long shots and close ups, and all the different colours in the background makes the advert stand out.

Advertising- Muller advert

Muller corner advert

This advert advertises Muller yogurt

The target audience is to all those who love yogurt. The advertisement has a happy vibrant song about the body parts which tells the target audience the yogurt is healthy and gives you energy. In

The advertisement targets its audience by having ordinary people in different ordinary jobs so this tell their target audience that anyone can by it and it is easy to get hold of for example from corner shops or supermarkets. The non diegetic sound used is happy and vibrant. There is a lot of sharp movement from shot to shot.

This advert was for normal television by t-mobile.

It is very funny and amusing to watch because you wish that you were there, it was made for all ages and its message is "lifes for sharing" it persuades people to buy a t-mobile phone or contract because its a fun network, and because there mixing the perfessional dabcers with the general public. the shots they used were mainly wide shots to show all the people in the advert.


This advert was for KFC the mise-en-scene is in a everyday setting at a train station, with ordinary people going into KFC to buy a mini fillet burger. But they start singing which makes this advert funny.

This advert is attracting because its not like an original advert because there singing about a burger, the camera shots used in this advert were mainly close ups.

Advertising- Lynx advert

Lynx chocolate Advert

This advert advertises the Lynx after shave.

The target audience is men who want to seem irresistible to women, as most people tend to like women. The advert makes men believe that when they spray themselves with Lynx they will smell like chocolate to women and women will be all over them.

The advert persuades ands influences its audience to buy the product by then saying at the end of the advert that the after shave is irresistible to women just like chocolate.
The advert uses a various amount of camera shots but mainly medium shots. Chocolate man connotes the love women have for chocolate and so they use this as a way to tempt their male audience into buying their product.

Advertising- coco cola advert (christmas)

Coke advert (Christmas time)

This advert is a commercial aired at Christmas time to advertise coca cola.

The advert is very Christmassy and the Christmas song adds to its appeal. When you see the big red lorry’s you wonder what the advert is all about but then you see the big writing on the Lorries and you know what the adverts about. So it grips its target audience right from the start.

It influences the audience to by coke when they see Father Christmas at the end of the lorry drinking coke because suddenly you feel very thirsty and because you have just seen coke you immediately want coke to quench your thirst. The advertisement uses Mise- en- scene. The lighting used is dark and compliments the product being advertised.

Advertising - orange commercial with snoop dog


Orange commercial-with snoop dog

This advert is an advertisement used in cinemas to advertise orange and to turn off your phone during a film.

It persuades the audience to buy an orange film and entertains the audience; because the orange commercial is entertaining people will believe that the network and its phone are entertaining too.

They also use a well known rapper (Snoop Dog) to influence there audience to join their advert.
They target their audience by grabbing their attention and keeping their attention all through the advertisement. The advert has a lot of different camera shots used mainly close ups, so that we can see the expression on the characters faces.

Tuesday 17 February 2009


Name of product = Twilight
Target audience = Teenagers & Young adults
Synopsis = About a drink called coke classic
Slogan = Its just round the corner
Concept = Romance
Props/costumes = Coke bottle
Human resources = One girl, One boy, Cameraman, Lighting director & Director
Technical resources = Dark lighting, 2 cameras

Monday 16 February 2009


Man with Knife "give me all you've got or i'll kill you", "all i have is money or this coke classic" man takes the coke classic.

Twilight (Idea 3)

Girl: I know what you drink
Boy: Say it, say it out load
Girl: Coke Classic
Boy: Do you know what it is?
Girl: Yes
Boy: Then ask me the basic basic question. where do i get it from?
Girl: From the corner shop 89p
(slogan - coke classic its just round the corner)

Dance Battle (Idea 2)

Front flip battle between Keshon, Ben & Leonie
Chiara does 3 front flip
ben does 2 front flips
leonie drinks the classic and does 10 front flips
(slogan - you can do anything)

Granny (Idea 1)

granny is walking, takes out Coke Classic from bag, boy in hoodie runs past and takes it from her. Grannies runs after the boy and takes the drink. (slogan - its worth it!)