Tuesday 5 May 2009


In this project we filmed and edited 2 adverts. We were given a brief which told us what we had to do and what we would need to research. The brief said we had to film 2 adverts, 1 in the TV studio and 1 outside the TV studio (basically in the school building or outside). The adverts had to be either a film genre or classic film. We did one from each genre, one was a dance advert (flips, Outside) and one was a horror advert (Twilight, TV Studio).

The first advert we filmed (Twilight) conformed to the brief, as we used a range of different camera shots. The second adverts (flips) conformed to the brief as well, as it was easy to edit and the final advert looked more or less the same as the storyboard. The 2 adverts are really good as they stick to the brief and parts of the storyboards. We were meant to do a storyboard and stick to it but, when filming we didn't have our storyboards on us so we had to improvise it.

In terms of Mise- en- scene I think we could of done better as we didn't use much lighting and props apart from the darkness of the Twilight advert. But we did use coke bottles which showed the audience what our new brand looked liked.

Beacause we planned out our adverts and made a storyboard it was easy to use  a range of camera shots in both advertisements. We used long shots, medium shots, close ups, extreme close ups, so the camera shots speak for it self.

Overall i think the adverts came out well and conformed to the briefs.

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